From an early age we seek safety and security. We like to know what is happening around us, who is involved and what the outcome will be. We like to maintain the status quo. There is strength in numbers so we surround ourselves with others who are like us. Others who do what we do, enjoy what we enjoy, eat what we eat, dress how we dress, etc. In this environment we feel more secure in ourselves and our decisions. This is especially true for children and teens.
When someone or something different enters the group, members may not understand the differences and feel threatened. Individuals may feel the need to attack and destroy what is different or new so as to feel secure. Some may pick on or exclude the targeted individual. This can be seen in "mean girl" behavior. The new or different person may feel threatened and behave in an aggressive manner, becoming a bully if not checked. He or she may feel insecure and retreat, quietly trying not to be noticed. This behavior can be interpreted as weakness, causing the scared individual to be bullied. These are but a few of the explanations for what happens when the status quo of the group is disturbed. If left unchecked both the bullies and those who are bullied may resort to violent behavior. So how do we change this?
I'm reminded of a story from my elementary school days. There was a boy in our class who mostly kept to himself. His clothes were tattered, he hung his head, fidgeted, rarely did his work, didn't interact with other children and spent much of his time in the principals office. Now I can look back and realize he had a number of learning disabilities. At the time we just thought he was weird so we laughed at him, made fun of him and excluded him.
One day while he was at the principals office our teacher explained to the class how he had difficulty learning, how he didn't know how to interact with people and how important it was for us to be kind to him. A few days later, to his and our teachers surprise we elected him class president and it changed his life, at least at school. As we began to include him, be kind to him and help him with his schoolwork he became a happier person. He began to hold his head up and participate in class activities. His life during the school day improved and we became better people because our teacher took the time and interest to help us understand why he was different and how we could help.
We can tell our children to stop bullying others and to stop behaving in violent ways, but unless we provide positive modes of behavior in their place the void will fill with more negative, unkind and violent behavior patterns. The purpose of Young Social Graces Society is to help children understand differences among people, learn high standards of behavior and take responsibility for their actions. By doing so, violence in and out of school, will subside and peace will have a chance.
If every elementary school child in America completed this first year of Young Social Graces Society online training we would see a significant decrease in bullying and school violence at the elementary level. If continued each year school violence and bullying would be virtually non-existence by the time today's K-3 children graduate high school. There is no instant, quick fix. Time and effort are necessary to correct these problems. Young Social Graces Society provides the necessary guidance in a fun, interactive program that works. Are you ready to make a difference?
TAKE ACTION NOWEnsure your child a world of kindness, respect, understanding and civility.
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