Be Your Best Foundation, Inc.

Teaching the world you can be yourself, have fun and....BE POLITE!

Be Your Best Foundation, Inc

Mission Statement

Our mission is to bring social graces training to all children, teens and adults.  What are social graces?  Why manners, etiquette and social skills, including alternative behavior for bullies, of course.  In doing so, many of the ills that plague our society will be eliminated. We invite you to join us in teaching the world we can be ourselves, have fun and....... BE POLITE!

Our History & Our Future

Do you ever wonder who to introduce to whom?  What to wear to a business social?  Which fork to use?  Do you cringe when people see your children's table manners or hold your breath at what they might say in public? If so, join Kasy Young, the Manners Maven, and The Be Your Best Foundation, Inc. to solve all of your etiquette dilemmas.

Kasy grew up in the “Deep South” where manners make the man…..and the woman.  Her genteel manners and drive to “be her best” lead her to a life of helping others excel.  While living abroad she spent 16 years helping ex-pats from many countries settle into life abroad, learning European do’s and taboo’s.  Kasy also prepared European ex-pats for life in America.   She has organized numerous events, activities and trips to encourage people to know and understand different people and cultures. 

In her quest to help individuals “be their best,” Kasy spent 40+ years developing etiquette programs for people in all walks of life.  She helped develop programs for adults in business, sport, social and wedding etiquette as well as programs for college & university students to prepare them to transition from “backpack to briefcase.” Her children's programs have been highly praised on multiple continents. 

Her goal to make social graces training accessible to all children, regardless of means, starting at a young age led to the establishment of the Young Social Graces Society programs and the Be Your Best Foundation, Inc.

Under Kasy’s direction, Young Social Graces Society training programs have become a huge success with teachers, parents and students.  Those programs are now available online.

She continues to oversee the development of new programs in response to requests from parents and professionals who share her understanding of what poor social graces are doing to our country and our world.

Kasy established the non-profit Be Your Best Foundation, Inc. to 1) raise awareness of the need for social graces training to improve our education systems and 2) to address the need for positive behavior patterns to eliminate bullying and child/teen suicides in our society.  The foundation raises funds to provide online and in-person training for children and adults who lack the means to acquire this essential training.

Kasy divides her time between homes in Florida and Texas.  She is the very proud parent of three extremely polite young adults. 

Aubrey Scroggs

This is a thoughtful program that talks about difficult concepts in a way that is meaningful for children who are just learning social graces. Every child should get exposure to this program!


Asher age 7

I liked the manners lessons. They were fun. I learned a lot. I'm going to cover my whole wall with manners certificates. 


Patricia Winert

This is a great opportunity for a grandparent to give their grandchild a lasting gift. I’ve seen the program and it is exceptional.


George Dubec

Internet Marketing Consultant

“Kasy Young has established herself as a prominent expert in the field of etiquette, manners, and all things related to social skills. She also has great training programs for those interested in integrating social skills with business skills. Her website provides the best online courses for these important personal development areas. I firmly believe everyone needs to develop and enhance their social skills to be successful in business and life!"


David Cooper

America's Income Trainer

“Working with Kasy is a warm and enjoyable experience. She certainly knows etiquette inside and out. I thought learning etiquette would be stuffy and boring but not with Kasy. Her classes and online programs are fun and entertaining. No wonder, as she is such an exciting and enthusiastic person. Her love for her subject as well as her desire to help people be their best comes through loud and clear.
Sincerely, Genuinely, and Respectfully, David"

Kellie Kuecha

Brand Re-Coder at BrandOmnipresence

“I hired Kasy several times to speak to my Women that Win and Women's Wellness Society groups. She is highly knowledgeable in the area of business etiquette and makes learning the techniques fun. I highly recommend her to anyone who is in business and wants to master themselves! "

Sal Sofia

Realtor/Insurance & Financial Security

I fully support Young Social Graces Society training programs.Ā  The courses taught to children are done in a realistic yet simplistic fun style sure to not only keep it fun yet cover topics that will remain with the child now and for their lifetime to come. These programs instruct and inform with a gentle unique, individualized approach to proper communication, respect, courtesy and the timeless and meaningful values of culture.

Lucy Lowther

Personal Asst; Sales

Kasy has taught life skills and table manners to many students over the years. Her upbeat attitude and sense of humor keeps children interested, builds self confidence and eliminates negative and bully behavior.  After only a few lessons the difference in my children was remarkable. I'm glad to hear these programs are now available online. 

Jessica Wright Hay

Photographer, Mom

Iā€™m very impressed. It looks like I might also benefit from some classes, right?Ā  You have adult classes as well?


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