Whatever We Do,

We Serve God Well By Doing It Well.




In the Parable of the 10 Talents, we learn of our responsibility to use what God has given us to bring glory and honor to him.

Jesus said the talents God gives us, if not used well, will be taken away.  These talents include our monetary resources, our calling to positions within the church, our natural gifts and how we use our character to glorify God.  We are called to live our lives in a manner that draws others to Christ.


Children gain valuable training at church on Sunday, then face a week of distractions and lessons that contradict Christian values and beliefs.

Young Social Graces Society helps parents and the church more successfully build children's character by teaching Christian values - honor, integrity, respect, kindness, understanding, treating others as one would like to be treated and developing one’s God given talents.

Online lessons provide positive re-enforcement through short videos, games, printable activities, quizzes with analytics, and printable, personalized certificates.  Each lesson includes an instruction sheet for maximum benefit. Want to see for yourself?  Three lessons are available by Clicking Here or visiting www.YoungSocialGracesSociety.com   and click Free Trial at the top of the page.  Please enjoy them, at no charge.


Children learn best with their friends - at church, at school, in their neighborhood and especially when adults and teens work with them, side by side.  Why not set an example and join them?  While our programs are designed for children ages 4 – 11, many adults and teens have found them beneficial and not overly childlike.  We welcome all who wish to set an example while supporting the children in their community through participation.  As a bonus - you will further develop your own talents.


Enjoy videos, games and quizzes at home, in the car or even the dentist’s office.  Take activity sheets wherever you go.  Older children can add their own personal touch to the activities.  Programs are available online, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on laptops, tablets and mobile phones.


Every day God expects us to multiply and develop our talents for his glory.  Without these programs, your children are not developing their talents to the fullest.  Will God be displeased and take the talents from the children in your church?  Or will he be pleased with their efforts (and yours) to develop their character (talents) as he instructed and shower them with blessings?

How Does It Work 

Your child's first lesson arrives within minutes so he/she can get started right away. New lessons arrive every 7 days.  That's a full week for your child to master each new skill. 

Watch as he/she enjoys flip books featuring the Galaxy Kidz, playing one of many online games and a variety of printable activities.  Instruction sheets help your child Be His/Her Best.  Personalized certificates include your child's name and quiz score.  Print and display where all can see.

Need a refresher or want to improve a quiz score?  Simply repeat the lesson until a 100% score is achieved.  Analytics track your child's progress. 

Your child develops leadership skills while setting examples for siblings who age into the program and children who start at a later date.

For years, parents have noticed remarkable improvement in their children’s behavior and attitude within a few weeks of enrolling in a Young Social Graces Society program.

Putting It Into Practice

The children’s director, assistant pastor or pastor selects a start date, usually 1 – 2 months out and makes an announcement to the congregation.  A short timeframe helps eliminate procrastination and maintains excitement.

Notify church members by email, church bulletin or an announcement from the pulpit.  This should be done weekly.  We can help with this.

A church code will be assigned.  This code must be used at registration so all members can start at the same time.  The program restarts the first Sunday of each month for those choosing future enrollment.

Parents register and pay for their children.  Participation is on a month-to-month basis and can be discontinued at any time.  If canceled, access will cease on the last day of the current month.  No refunds are given.

Parental help will benefit younger children.

The Serve God Well by Doing Well bulletin board and instructions will be provided prior to the start date.

We are available for any help the church may require.

The Results 

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine”

Within a few weeks your child’s light will begin to grow.  Soon he/she will become a shining beacon of God’s love, helping create a world that is courteous, polite, kind, and respectful; where people have integrity and always try to do/be their best.

For your child’s light to shine brighter, for his/her talents to begin to multiply, you must act now.  Register your child today by clicking below. 

CLICK HERE TO JOIN or go to www.YoungSocialGracesSociety.com and click Free Trial

“Go tell it on the mountain”

When you invite other parents to register their children, many lights begin to shine brighter, many children’s talents multiply and leaders begin to emerge. Will your child have this opportunity to become a leader?

While the programs are written to a child’s understanding, we accept registrations from teens and adults who want their lights to shine brighter.  Children absorb more when learning with an older person.  Why not make it a family project?

The Cost 

Our mission is to make Young Social Graces Society training available to every child who wants to serve God well by doing well.  When churches and families spread the word, we can eliminate huge advertising budgets, keeping the cost of this essential training to a minimum.  Can we count on you to spread the word? 

Your talent is God’s gift to you.  What you do with it is your gift to God.