Prevent School Violence & Bullying In Just 15 Minutes/Day

One school shooting, one bomb, one student suicide is one more than is acceptable.

There is only one way to stop this cancer in our society.
Find Out How


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School Violence and Child/Teen Suicides

Wouldn't you be heartbroken to learn those children involved in school violence and suicide were bullied, made fun of and excluded, usually starting in elementary school by children unaware of the consequences of their actions?

Young children understand the world only as they know it. When the status quo is disturbed children can feel uneasy, acting out in an effort to regain control of their environment. Exclusion, bullying and temper tantrums are behaviors children employ to regain control.  When these behaviors are left unchecked, serious problems arise. All too often we see the victims of these unacceptable behaviors resort to violence and suicide.

Wouldn't it be terrific if you could stop bullying before it starts?  If you could eliminate unacceptable behavior before it was learned?  Couldn't you get excited about your child living in a bully and violence free environment, especially at school?

Well then.......GET EXCITED! (drum roll, please)

Presenting, Young Social Graces Society..... a fun, interactive, online program, where children learn good social skills and acquire an understanding of how their actions affect others in just 15 minutes/day. When children understand why someone is different, they no longer feel threatened, minimizing or eliminating unacceptable behaviors. Isn't it significant to learn children with good social skills are better students, more successful and happier in life?  Are you ready to learn more?  Watch the videos below.  Pledge your help.  Register your child.  Tell a friend.  Change the world! 


Just 15 Minutes/DAY

- will give your child a safer, happier world. 
- may save the life of someone you know.


Be A Leader

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Spread The Word

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Civility & Respect

Learn About Civility & Respect - Click Here

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