
Are Poor Table Manners Causing Problems In Your Child's Life?

From bullying to the loss of a job, table manners determine much of our success.

"The world was my oyster, until I used the wrong fork."

- Oscar Wilde

Develop Confidence & Make More Friends With Good Table Manners 

Do your children know how to hold a fork correctly?   Do they chew with their mouth open or talk with food in their mouth?  Sadly, such faux pas at the table causes people to shun us and attract bully behavior.  Is it right?  No.  Does it happen?  Yes.  Can we change it?  Absolutely!

Doesn't it make sense to give your children the skills necessary to repel bullying?  Learning good table manners builds confidence and helps your child be included.  By the way, good table manners also help us as adults.


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