"Good Enough Is The Enemy Of Great"   



When young, children expect they will be great when they grow up.  They imagine themselves as superheroes saving the world, as the lead singer in a rock & roll band, as a doctor, an astronaut or the leader of the world.  They never imagine they will be failures, downtrodden or average. 

As they grow children hear, "you're taking too long, that's good enough" or "you'll never get it perfect, that's good enough" or "just leave it, that's good enough."  Gradually, children let go of the expectation to be great.  They stop working to be their best and accept mediocrity as normal.  They accomplish less than they are capable of and are less fulfilled as adults.

Do you want to ensure this does not happen to your child?  Here's how.


Church Family

God wants us to excel, (ie: parable of the 10 talents.) Young Social Graces Society programs combined with your church's teaching helps your child reach his/her full potential.   

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Friends & Family

Children learn & retain more when their siblings & friends learn with them.  Do you have friends whose children would benefit from Young Social Graces Society programs?  Register your child today, then tell your friends.

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Entrepreneur Kidz

85% of our future success is due to our social graces.  Entrepreneurial children enrolled in Young Social Graces Society programs develop integrity, responsibility, respect and other soft skills that will catapult their careers and social lives.

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Be My Best

Your child wants to be his/her best.  Give them every chance to excel by enrolling them in the most comprehensive social graces program available.  Who knows, your child may become a superhero who saves the world!

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  Young Social Graces Society


Those who truly excel in life possess a certain je ne sais quoi.  They are happier, admired, have more friends, stronger relationships and are more successful in their careers.  Wouldn’t it brighten your life to know your children are developing this je ne sais quoi?

Every parent wants the best for their children.  You chauffer them between soccer, cheer, gymnastics, piano, a marid of sports, etc. etc. etc.  But your children are missing the most important activity; the one that will determine 85% of their success (or lack of) in life.  What is this essential activity? 


Click Here To Find Out

Young Social Graces Society 

Scenario 1 -

Although your child is polite and well behaved, for the most part, you realize those who truly excel in life possess exceptional social graces acquired through comprehensive training programs usually reserved for the elite. 

You also realize the children who gain the most from this social graces training have parents who, like you, will schedule 10 – 15 minutes at the beginning of each week to watch the Galaxy Kidz’s video with your child, do the activities together and incorporate the ideas in the lesson’s instruction sheet throughout the week.  You know your child deserves the “top shelf” opportunities realized by members of the Young Social Graces Society’s elite Trailblazers Club.  Will you give your child the style, confidence and grace to excel or will he/she be left behind?  Take action now.  Ensure your child’s place by clicking below. 

Click Here For A Free Lesson & The Trailblazers Club.

Courtesy, Confidence & Class

The world can be challenging, especially for your child. Teaching acceptable and respectable behavior at an early age boosts your child’s confidence and builds self-esteem.  Prepare your child to live in the world with style, confidence and grace.




Give your child the knowledge and essential skills
necessary to live his/her best life. 

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Pay It Forward


BOGO creates a better world for generations to come.


How Social Graces Effect Schools

You won't believe what you read!

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Let’s get to it!


Learn more about the Manners Maven and the Galaxy Kidz.  We have helped children and adults develop superior social graces for 45+ years.

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Let’s get to it!


Learn more about the Manners Maven and the Galaxy Kidz.  We have helped children and adults develop superior social graces for 45+ years.

More About Us

"We have seen such an improvement in our son since he started your classes. Please sign him up for everything you ever teach.  We are amazed!" 


Cathy D

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